Kristina Golub-Fabris

Inner Critic

Eyes closed, heart open, I seek a higher vibration, transcending my inner critic. This journey transforms doubt into soulful dialogue, diminishing the critic’s grip, making my body a joyous creation conduit. By treating the critic as a wild animal fed with positivity, I turn destruction into nourishment, balancing ego judgments with high vibrational guidance, finding gratitude and growth in this accepting, ever-rising process.

Eyes closed, heart open reaching for the higher vibration, touching my soul. Singing a sweat song to my higher self, aiming for the dance within the stars. Wrapped up in a bubble of safety, protection and vibrational blessing, I am connecting to something bigger and higher to myself. It feels somehow familiar, it is quite dense. Is it love? Is it oneness? It is what it is, if feels good and that is all that matters. This space, finally I can access. My inner critic is not taking my power away. I am not allowing it. 

Inner critics used to take my breath away, take my power away. The power that I know I have within me, but I couldn’t access it. My little voice inside of my head used to be so loud. ‘You don’t know’. ‘You’re so stupid’. ‘Agh I should know better’, ‘I am so weak’. Naming him made him more real, the conversation started. New journey. A journey towards acceptance of my lower self. The journey of my rage inner most defective self. See. touch. Smell. Let go. Come back. And all over again, until it does not slowly lose its power. He is my friend, he has a right to speak up, but my body is not a transformation cable substation any more. It is a fluid electrolytes pathway for creation and joy. SO thanks but goodbye my friend. 

Inner critic, that wild animal that is easily fed and it grows endlessly if I don’t take control over it. Not to stop it, but to give a different energy that transforms nourishment to myself and my soul, instead of the destruction to my thoughts and moves. If it sounds like a judgment, it’s the ego my friends, and if it’s gentle, firm and decisive it is the high vibe taken from within & above. Yes, there’s always a silver lining and valuable learning and growth comes with it. So, I am grateful at all times! Rise above it. Grow and enjoy it. It is all learning.


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